How long does it take you in the morning to put your face on as my mother used to say?
If we're not happy with our facial complexion it can effect out confidence. It is a known fact that women and some men find it next to impossible to go out of the house if they're not wearing foundation. The problem with foundation worn day after day for hours on end is that it doesn't help to restore a dull, patchy complexion, it simply covers it up. Foundation creams also smother the skin and can increase the likelihood of raised dry patches, oily areas and skin eruptions such as spots. The skin is a living organ and secreting gland, it needs to breath.
Is it possible to restore a dull, patchy complexion?
YES! it is absolutely possible. I have done it myself and I have helped many other people learn how to restore their complexion to the point where it is unnecessary for them to wear any foundation at all.
My Natural Wisdom skincare regime for repairing an unhappy complexion is more about the less you do being better for your skin than the more you do. It is not about adding expensive products to your regime, it is about using less and it is not about scientific sounding ingredients having instant magical effects either. This is a regime that yields significant results over a period of time because.. and this is important...
Repairing and restoring your complexion to a condition where you are comfortable not wearing foundation every day is a process, not an event.
Are you sitting comfortably? Then I will begin.
Our skin, is the outside of our inside. It is our external
digestion. It's job is not to look beautiful, it's job is to excrete
toxins, be the first line of defense against invading organisms, to keep
us warm and to keep us cool and to literally hold us together. Our skin
shows others when we're happy, because it lights us up, it shows others
when we're embarrassed, by blushing and it shows others when we're
stressed, tired or unwell by looking down right dull and awful.
1) Cleanse less. Over cleansing with too much cleanser is a primary reason for unhappy skin. Cleanse no more than once a day in the evening with a pea sized amount of a pH balanced gentle soap free cleanser, oil cleanser or cream cleanser. In the morning cleanse 3 times with a hot flannel and nothing else. Just hot water and a flannel.
I have given this advice to hundreds of people who contact me for help with an unruly, wild complexion that seems to have a mind of its own, smooth one day, patchy and dry the next day, red and inflamed the next day and so on. The results have never failed to impress.
Cleansing less gives our skin the time to produce and excrete an acid mantle over the skin. The acid mantle is incredibly important. It is a part of our bodies primary immune system, a slightly acidic oily layer than inhibits the growth of all kinds of nasties that can cause changes to our skin such as dryness, oilyness, redness and eruptions such as spots which can be caused by a change in our skin's pH level or areas of acid mantle erosion. Our acid mantle is not unlike the ozone layer that floats in our atmosphere and protects us from receiving the most damaging radiation from the sun and from space.
If your skin has become very reactive with skin eruptions that feel that there are lots of tiny pimples under the surface of the skin then it's very possible that you have a damaged acid mantle. If this is the case, then do not cleanse with any kind of cleanser at all accept for warm water and a soft flannel in the mornings.
It can take the skin up to 6 weeks to repair and restore a damaged acid mantle.
2) It can be incredibly helpful to apply a Vitamin C Treatment Gel to the skin twice a day. Vitamin C is a vital skin nutrient that promotes Collagen synthesis as well as helping to heal UV damage, lighten areas of unwanted pigmentation such as sun spots, as an aid in the treatment of Acne Vulgaris and as an all over powerful antioxidant skin food that anti-aging by mopping up free radicals.
3) Do not use any scented skincare products that contain fragrances or essential oils. Avoid Creams, Moisturisers and Balms that contain wax, wax emulsifiers or bees wax. Choose unrefined raw organic seed oils and apply a very small amount over your skin twice a day being sure to gently massage the skin to encourage the lymphatic system to speed up the process of excreting toxins.
More a more detailed personalised skin repair regime, please drop me an email or read our skincare articles on my website

Natural Wisdom Raw Organic Skincare is manufactured by Maeve Smith, an English Homeopath and Herbalist with a passion for making Raw Antioxidant Skincare to protect, nourish and repair our bodies largest organ and excreting gland. Our beautiful and brave skin. These articles are written by Maeve, we hope you find them useful.