Natural Wisdom Raw Organic Skincare

Natural Wisdom Raw Organic Skincare
Raw Organic SKincare made with 100% Natural Wisdom

Sunday, 29 May 2011

How I improved my blemishes and patchy skin...


From the age of about 21, I started to suffer from really aggressive allergic rhinitis. I had always been allergic to sea food, lobster being the worst. When I was 3 I had my first experience of my seafood allergy when I developed septicemia and boils all over my scalp, I had to have my head shaved. Believing this to be a unique incident my parents gave me sea food another 2 times over the next few years before telling me I should never eat it because it was bad for they needed to tell me that! each time the same thing happened...

I have for some reason been prone to skin eruptions all my life, from bouts of cystic acne along my chin line to the occasional boil. I am prone to spots too and years of struggling with allergic rhinitis and cat allergies gave me a poor skin complexion. I had a patchy skin tone and blemishes. My worst areas were under my eyes where I had a large angioma under my right eye, possibly from damage caused by sneezing all the time and rubbing by eyes. I used to rub my eyes a lot.

In 2001 I began studying to become a homeopath, a couple of years before my homeopath had completly cured my allergic rhinitis. I was thrilled!

My complexion did improve a little, my eyes were no longer swollen and red but my skintone did not. I still had very uneven skin tone, burst blood vessels and blemishes around my cheeks and chin.


In 2006 I started to take making my own skincare more seriously, I began to research it and it became an obsession I still have today. The first product I made for myself was my Rosehip & Pomegranate Antioxidant Treatment Oil. My clients began to comment on how well I looked...and I did. I had noticed my skin tone was improving, my blemishes deminishing. Even my angioma was fading...

In 2007 I began to sell my skincare to family, friends and clients. I noticed that the only time I got a spot now was if I was very stressed instead of before.

In 2009 I was becoming pretty busy with my skincare business and I was lucky enough to join forces with a good friend who became my business partner.

All this time I was using my own brand of skincare. I will never use anything else now.

2011 and my skin looks as flawless as if I was wearing a light foundation. My angioma is gone, my chin and jaw line is clear, my cheeks are clear.


I have learned that there is a big difference between middle of the road, diluted skincare ingredients and premium organic high potency ingredients. There is a massive difference between Rosehip seed oil and sunflower seed oil. There is a big difference between Almond oil and Pomegranate seed oil or raspberry seed oil... There is a massive difference between CO2 herbal and botanical extracts and alcohol botanical and herbal extracts...

It really does matter what we put on our skin. If our skincare is based on water, sunflower oil and wax emulsifiers we can't expect any significant results. If our skincare is based on high potency antioxidant ingredients and seed oils with no fillers and no nonsense....then we can expect a very big difference over time. For me I began to notice a difference after 3 months.


I also began to realise that MASSAGING our face when we apply our skincare is incredibly important. Don't just slap it on in an unloving way. A good facial massage 2-3 times a day for between 5 - 10 minutes stimulates collagen, blood circulation and skin renewal.


Skincare without antioxidants in my mind is completey pointless...

The right antioxidants are incredibly important. Vitamin C is magic but only if it is a stabilised Vitamin C. We use Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate shown to improve and accelerate Collagen and reduce blemishes while discourageing acne. It is also important to use it in the right quantity. It won't work unless you use enough of it in your formula, but it expensive witch is why profit driven companies use so little in their formula's.

Our skincare formulations are designed to be highly antioxidant. We really pack in the vitamins and nutrients because it is this kind of skincare that is effectively anti ageing. It really works. I tried a great number of skincare products before making my own. My mission then and my mission now is to create the skincare you would like to make for your self...

I hope this has been useful. :-)

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