How long does it take you in the morning to put your face on as my mother used to say?
If we're not happy with our facial complexion it can effect out confidence. It is a known fact that women and some men find it next to impossible to go out of the house if they're not wearing foundation. The problem with foundation worn day after day for hours on end is that it doesn't help to restore a dull, patchy complexion, it simply covers it up. Foundation creams also smother the skin and can increase the likelihood of raised dry patches, oily areas and skin eruptions such as spots. The skin is a living organ and secreting gland, it needs to breath.
Is it possible to restore a dull, patchy complexion?
YES! it is absolutely possible. I have done it myself and I have helped many other people learn how to restore their complexion to the point where it is unnecessary for them to wear any foundation at all.
My Natural Wisdom skincare regime for repairing an unhappy complexion is more about the less you do being better for your skin than the more you do. It is not about adding expensive products to your regime, it is about using less and it is not about scientific sounding ingredients having instant magical effects either. This is a regime that yields significant results over a period of time because.. and this is important...
Repairing and restoring your complexion to a condition where you are comfortable not wearing foundation every day is a process, not an event.
Are you sitting comfortably? Then I will begin.
Our skin, is the outside of our inside. It is our external
digestion. It's job is not to look beautiful, it's job is to excrete
toxins, be the first line of defense against invading organisms, to keep
us warm and to keep us cool and to literally hold us together. Our skin
shows others when we're happy, because it lights us up, it shows others
when we're embarrassed, by blushing and it shows others when we're
stressed, tired or unwell by looking down right dull and awful.
1) Cleanse less. Over cleansing with too much cleanser is a primary reason for unhappy skin. Cleanse no more than once a day in the evening with a pea sized amount of a pH balanced gentle soap free cleanser, oil cleanser or cream cleanser. In the morning cleanse 3 times with a hot flannel and nothing else. Just hot water and a flannel.
I have given this advice to hundreds of people who contact me for help with an unruly, wild complexion that seems to have a mind of its own, smooth one day, patchy and dry the next day, red and inflamed the next day and so on. The results have never failed to impress.
Cleansing less gives our skin the time to produce and excrete an acid mantle over the skin. The acid mantle is incredibly important. It is a part of our bodies primary immune system, a slightly acidic oily layer than inhibits the growth of all kinds of nasties that can cause changes to our skin such as dryness, oilyness, redness and eruptions such as spots which can be caused by a change in our skin's pH level or areas of acid mantle erosion. Our acid mantle is not unlike the ozone layer that floats in our atmosphere and protects us from receiving the most damaging radiation from the sun and from space.
If your skin has become very reactive with skin eruptions that feel that there are lots of tiny pimples under the surface of the skin then it's very possible that you have a damaged acid mantle. If this is the case, then do not cleanse with any kind of cleanser at all accept for warm water and a soft flannel in the mornings.
It can take the skin up to 6 weeks to repair and restore a damaged acid mantle.
2) It can be incredibly helpful to apply a Vitamin C Treatment Gel to the skin twice a day. Vitamin C is a vital skin nutrient that promotes Collagen synthesis as well as helping to heal UV damage, lighten areas of unwanted pigmentation such as sun spots, as an aid in the treatment of Acne Vulgaris and as an all over powerful antioxidant skin food that anti-aging by mopping up free radicals.
3) Do not use any scented skincare products that contain fragrances or essential oils. Avoid Creams, Moisturisers and Balms that contain wax, wax emulsifiers or bees wax. Choose unrefined raw organic seed oils and apply a very small amount over your skin twice a day being sure to gently massage the skin to encourage the lymphatic system to speed up the process of excreting toxins.
More a more detailed personalised skin repair regime, please drop me an email or read our skincare articles on my website

Natural Wisdom Raw Organic Skincare is manufactured by Maeve Smith, an English Homeopath and Herbalist with a passion for making Raw Antioxidant Skincare to protect, nourish and repair our bodies largest organ and excreting gland. Our beautiful and brave skin. These articles are written by Maeve, we hope you find them useful.
Thursday, 24 September 2015
Monday, 28 July 2014
Why Vitamin C antioxidant is an essential skincare ingredient

Vitamin C is one of our most important antioxidant vitamins essential for health and a vital molecule needed by the skin. It has a fascinating history but this article which is not intended to be read as a scholarly article but more as an interesting introduction is only going to concentrate on Vitamin C and its relation to our skin...
It is a useful fact that our skin absorbs Vitamin C more effectively through the skin from topical application than via the digestion. The skin still benefits from Vitamin C via the digestion but it benefits more from topical application.
The skin is our largest organ also known as the integumentary system. It is the external part of our digestion and the external part of our immune system, in short it is the outside of our inside and it has many very important functions. It protects us, cools us and warms us. Our skin breaths, absorbs, metabolizes, and excretes all at the same time as holding us together.
Skin needs nourishment in the form of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, proteins and essential fatty acids acids. A healthy diet is essential but topical application has also been shown to be an effective way of feeding the skin with essential nutrients.
Vitamin C is a vital molecule for the skin, essential for the synthesis of collagen and elastin, wound healing, and protection from UV radiation.
Topical application of Vitamin C especially when combined with other antioxidants such as Tocotrienols (members of the Vitamin E family of antioxidants ) greatly reduces DNA damage caused by UV light exposure...but.
Vitamin C also known as Ascorbic acid is an unstable molecule that oxidizes quickly in water turning it brown as it reduces into dehydroascorbic acid. Fortunately Scientists have discovered a stable alternative...
Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate is an excellent stable derivative of Ascorbic acid. It has all the benefits of Vitamin C without being acidic and without oxidising in solution. It is water soluble, very gentle on the skin and it continues to release vitamin C into the skin for up to 72 hours after application and once its been absorbed into the skin, it can’t be washed off.
What are the proven benefits and therapeutic action of topically applied Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate for our skin ?..
✶ Powerful antioxidant vitamin effective for up to 72 hours after application
✶ Stimulates and boosts Collagen production in the skin.
✶ Reduces inflammation and skin eruptions such as spots.
✶ Was shown to heal and discourage Acne Vulgaris more effectively than the leading treatment.
✶ Has a gentle skin lightening effect useful for fading and discouraging sunspots and kerotosis.
✶ Protection from environmental oxidation also known as free radicals.
✶ Protects the skin from UV radiation, not as a filter or screen but as a powerful antioxidant.
✶ An aid in the treatment of dry skin.
Science tells us that a minimum of 1% dilution of Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate and a maximum of 10% dilution is the optimal strength to benefit the skin therapeutically. It is believed that 1% confers some antioxidant protection to the skin, 3% stimulates Collagen synthesis and 7% or more has a gentle and natural lightening effect useful for fading and discouraging sun spots but more than 10% in dilution did not show greatly increased benefits.
In the same way as dietary supplements are more effective and efficient when taken more than once a day, repeated application of topical Vitamin C in the form of Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate is an effective and efficient way of boosting Vitamin C levels in the skin.
Unfortunately 3% Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate feels unpleasant on the skin leaving a sticky tacky coating that doesn't absorb into the skin quickly or easily and so more than a 3% dilution wouldn't be very practical for a non medical skincare product although we have been experimenting with ways of increasing Vitamin C with some success.
By experimentation I settled on a 2.5% dilution as the perfect upper limit for Vitamin C in our products. The best way of getting therapeutic levels of Vitamin C into the skin is via repeated application. This could be one product applied 2 times a day or 2 or more products applied once a day.
Cold blending allows me to synergistically blend our fruit and berry seed oils and herbal extracts together without unwanted carrier oils or fillers to create high potency skin food rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids designed to help heal, protect, nourish and repair skin.
We use 2.5% Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate in each of the following products.
Rose & Pomegranate Antioxidant Cream Cleanser
Rose & Pomegranate Clarifying Gel Cleanser
Rose & Pomegranate Antioxidant Liquid Exfoliator
Rose & Pomegranate Antioxidant Hydrating Toner
Rosehip & Pomegranate Antioxidant Moisturiser
Age defiance Facial Firming Moisturiser
Raspberry & Shea Body Lotion
Thank you for reading, if you have any questions I would love to hear from you.
Maeve :-)
Woolery-Lloyd H, Baumann L, Ikeno H. Sodium L-ascorbyl-2-phosphate 5% lotion for the treatment of acne vulgaris: a randomized, double-blind, controlled trial. J Cosmet Dermatol 2010;9:22-27. (PubMed)
Klock J, Ikeno H, Ohmori K, Nishikawa T, Vollhardt J, Schehlmann V. Sodium ascorbyl phosphate shows in vitro and in vivo efficacy in the prevention and treatment of acne vulgaris. Int J Cosmet Sci 2005;27:171-176. (PubMed)
Cosgrove MC, Franco OH, Granger SP, Murray PG, Mayes AE. Dietary nutrient intakes and skin-aging appearance among middle-aged American women. Am J Clin Nutr 2007;86:1225-1231. (PubMed)
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
Our Philosophy on skincare and bringing out the beauty from within by cherishing the outside of our inside...
Natural Wisdom's Skin Care Philosophy
Wed, 01 February 2012There are those, who see their skin as nothing more than an inert outer covering lining the outside of the body. it’s cleaned, polished and treated with highly processed, synthetic products, just as if it were an object, like a machine...
But, this couldn't be further from the truth. Our humble skin is our bodies largest Organ and excreting gland. It helps regulate, detoxify and harmonise all our bodies systems, it’s our first line of defense and an integral part of our immune system, our endocrine system and our digestive system.
Our skin protects us with it's complex 'Acid Mantle' a biodiverse and sophisticated microcosm of friendly micro organisms and fatty acids that hold the line come rain or shine.
Our Skin is truly amazing because it needs to be. Just think for a moment if our skin stopped doing its job, it survives on very little credit and has to tolerate a great many challenges, from increasing environmental pollution and radiation to toxic chemicals in our everyday skincare and our everyday life.
Here at Natural Wisdom, we love to find new ways to protect, nourish and rejuvenate our skin because we don't see our skin as an inert outer covering, we see our skin as the outside of our inside, the reflection of how we live and how we feel, from our emotions to our beliefs... It holds our spirit, the light of life which distinguishes us from others, without which we simply do not exist.
Have you ever noticed that our skin glows brighter when we're happy, it lights up when we smile, it blushes when we're embarrassed and it shows when we're tired, stressed or unwell.... Our skin responds and reacts to a healthy lifestyle & it both absorbs & digests whatever we apply to it.
Our skin cools us and it warms us. It is reactive to our emotions and responsive to our lifestyle. Our skin, literally holds us together. These are just some of the things our skin does for us all day, everyday.
We passionately believe that healthy skincare should be healthy wholesome food, that’s why our products are hand made and cold blended in small fresh batches from certified organic, cold pressed, bio active superfood ingredients, no fillers and blking agents, synthetic silicons, propylene glycol, polymers, parabens or other such toxic and nonsense ingredients. We don't compromise...because what we do to our skin, we do to ourselves...
Feed your skin what it deserves. Cold blended, organic superfood skincare. Inspired by the pure botanical energy of natural wisdom.
Thursday, 29 September 2011
The Natural Wisdom Of Antioxidants In Preventing Premature Ageing.
Natural Wisdom Organic Skincare is handmade using a cold process that guarantees 100% bioactive potency. Our Rosehip & Pomegranate Organic Facial Collection is designed around a core of 15 of the highest potency natural and organic ingredients and we formulate using therapeutic levels of these to maximise potency and give great resuts.
These fifteen ingredients are our tripple seed oil blend of Rosehip, Raspberry (38%) and Pomegranate (20%) eight CO2 (Supercritical fluid extracts) Calendula, Chamomile, Carrot, Seabuckthorn, Amaranth, Rosehip, Pomegranate and Rosemary. Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Hylauronic Acid and Aloe Vera.
I began researching the art and science of skincare in 2006, since then, I have been heavily focused on studying the role that antioxidants have in repairing and protecting the skin. Having spent more than half of my 39 years living south of the Equator I have seen first hand the effects of sun exposure on my own skin. Each and every day, without fail, our skin is bombarded with environmental assailants resulting from exposure to smoke, processed food, alcohol, pollution, and most importantly, ultraviolet radiation from the sun. This is in addition to the free radicals generated by our own metabolism which trigger the release of inflammatory mediators which break down collagen and cause premature ageing.
There are many high quality studies and trials proving that antioxidants applied to the skin’s surface can offer protection from sun damage and stimulate collagen production, reducing the signs of ageing. The most powerful and potent of these topical antioxidants are Vitamin C and cold pressed Seed Oils of Pomegranate, Raspberry & Rosehip. Still relatively unknown I include the new generation of Supercritical herbal and botanical extracts also known as CO2 extraction of which Rosemary Antioxidant is one of the most powerful, with it’s detaphenol profile it is many times more potent than Vitamin E and has the benefit of being able to protect delicate seed oils from oxidation, increasing their shelf life by many times and contributing to their antioxidant action on the skin.
Vitamin C is a unique and very powerful antioxidant for the skin. When applied correctly, It has the ability to help prevent water loss and encourage increased collagen and elastin formation as well as deactivate unstable free radicals, growing evidence shows that Vitamin C has a synergistic relationship when combined with other antioxidants such as vitamin E. Trails have also shown that Vitamin C has an important role in the treatment and prevention of Acne and is healing when correctly applied to skin rashes and eruptions.
However, Vitamin C in its ascorbic acid form is unstable and quickly oxidises when mixed with water and exposed to light and oxygen. The solution to the instability of Ascorbic Acid is a stabilised derivative of Vitamin C known as Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate which has all the benefits of Vitamin C without any of the failings.
It is the rare, essential fatty acids and polyphenols in cold pressed Pomegranate seed oil that give this fruit its antioxidant potency. These bioactive compounds are the subject of many scientific trials, the results of which show some extraordinary findings, such as; cold pressed Pomegranate seed oil boosts the SPF rating of topical sunscreens and that the punicic and ellagic acid, found in pomegranate seed oil has the strongest age-proofing capabilities to date and is currently being studied for its anti-cancer and healing benefits.
In a recent South Dakota State University study entitled Chemopreventative Effects of Pomegranate Seed Oil on Skin Tumor Development, Pomegranate extract was applied topically to topical skin tumors on mice. After five weeks, the study concluded that topical application of pomegranate oil inhibited papilloma incidence and activity.
Raspberry Seed Oil (cold processed) has been shown in research trials to possesses an exceptionally high proportion of alpha and gamma tocopherols (Vitamin E antioxidant compounds), vitamin A and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. In a study done on the properties of Red Raspberry Seed Oil, the oil showed a natural SPF in the UV-A, UV-B and UV-C ranges of 28-50 suggesting that it may be useful as a broad spectrum UV protectant in skin care formulations (Oomah et al, 2000). Red Raspberry Oil is rich in alpha linolenic acid suggesting pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, thus it may be an effective oil to use in the treatment of eczema, psoriasis and other skin conditions.
Rosehip Seed Oil is known to provide a potent source of Trans-Retinoic Acid, a precursor to Vitamin A, widely recommended by skin care specialists to help prevent premature ageing, heal, rejuvenate, soothe and stimulate healthy skin cell renewal.
It reduces uneven skin pigmentation and provides a very potent source of antioxidants, vitamins A, C & E, minerals & essential fatty acids, Rosehip seed oil is also known to help discourages spots, acne and skin irritations.
Main bibliography sources:
These fifteen ingredients are our tripple seed oil blend of Rosehip, Raspberry (38%) and Pomegranate (20%) eight CO2 (Supercritical fluid extracts) Calendula, Chamomile, Carrot, Seabuckthorn, Amaranth, Rosehip, Pomegranate and Rosemary. Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Hylauronic Acid and Aloe Vera.
I began researching the art and science of skincare in 2006, since then, I have been heavily focused on studying the role that antioxidants have in repairing and protecting the skin. Having spent more than half of my 39 years living south of the Equator I have seen first hand the effects of sun exposure on my own skin. Each and every day, without fail, our skin is bombarded with environmental assailants resulting from exposure to smoke, processed food, alcohol, pollution, and most importantly, ultraviolet radiation from the sun. This is in addition to the free radicals generated by our own metabolism which trigger the release of inflammatory mediators which break down collagen and cause premature ageing.
There are many high quality studies and trials proving that antioxidants applied to the skin’s surface can offer protection from sun damage and stimulate collagen production, reducing the signs of ageing. The most powerful and potent of these topical antioxidants are Vitamin C and cold pressed Seed Oils of Pomegranate, Raspberry & Rosehip. Still relatively unknown I include the new generation of Supercritical herbal and botanical extracts also known as CO2 extraction of which Rosemary Antioxidant is one of the most powerful, with it’s detaphenol profile it is many times more potent than Vitamin E and has the benefit of being able to protect delicate seed oils from oxidation, increasing their shelf life by many times and contributing to their antioxidant action on the skin.
Vitamin C is a unique and very powerful antioxidant for the skin. When applied correctly, It has the ability to help prevent water loss and encourage increased collagen and elastin formation as well as deactivate unstable free radicals, growing evidence shows that Vitamin C has a synergistic relationship when combined with other antioxidants such as vitamin E. Trails have also shown that Vitamin C has an important role in the treatment and prevention of Acne and is healing when correctly applied to skin rashes and eruptions.
However, Vitamin C in its ascorbic acid form is unstable and quickly oxidises when mixed with water and exposed to light and oxygen. The solution to the instability of Ascorbic Acid is a stabilised derivative of Vitamin C known as Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate which has all the benefits of Vitamin C without any of the failings.
It is the rare, essential fatty acids and polyphenols in cold pressed Pomegranate seed oil that give this fruit its antioxidant potency. These bioactive compounds are the subject of many scientific trials, the results of which show some extraordinary findings, such as; cold pressed Pomegranate seed oil boosts the SPF rating of topical sunscreens and that the punicic and ellagic acid, found in pomegranate seed oil has the strongest age-proofing capabilities to date and is currently being studied for its anti-cancer and healing benefits.
In a recent South Dakota State University study entitled Chemopreventative Effects of Pomegranate Seed Oil on Skin Tumor Development, Pomegranate extract was applied topically to topical skin tumors on mice. After five weeks, the study concluded that topical application of pomegranate oil inhibited papilloma incidence and activity.
Raspberry Seed Oil (cold processed) has been shown in research trials to possesses an exceptionally high proportion of alpha and gamma tocopherols (Vitamin E antioxidant compounds), vitamin A and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. In a study done on the properties of Red Raspberry Seed Oil, the oil showed a natural SPF in the UV-A, UV-B and UV-C ranges of 28-50 suggesting that it may be useful as a broad spectrum UV protectant in skin care formulations (Oomah et al, 2000). Red Raspberry Oil is rich in alpha linolenic acid suggesting pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, thus it may be an effective oil to use in the treatment of eczema, psoriasis and other skin conditions.
Rosehip Seed Oil is known to provide a potent source of Trans-Retinoic Acid, a precursor to Vitamin A, widely recommended by skin care specialists to help prevent premature ageing, heal, rejuvenate, soothe and stimulate healthy skin cell renewal.
It reduces uneven skin pigmentation and provides a very potent source of antioxidants, vitamins A, C & E, minerals & essential fatty acids, Rosehip seed oil is also known to help discourages spots, acne and skin irritations.
Main bibliography sources:
Saturday, 20 August 2011
How Do You See Your Skin?!
Some of us see it as nothing more than an inert outer covering...
We see it as the outside of our inside, the reflection of how we live and how we feel, from our emotions to our beliefs... It holds our spirit, the light of life which distinguishes us from others, without which we simply do not exist and yet, it is something even more than all of this.
Our Skin is truly amazing and it needs to be, it survives on very little credit in todays world and has to tolerate a great many challenges, from pollution to toxic chemicals in our skin and hair care products.
We may take it for granted but our humble skin is our bodies largest Organ and excreting gland, it helps regulate, detoxify and harmonise all of our bodies systems and it is the largest part of our immune system, protecting us with it's Ninja style Acid Mantle and its sophisticated microcosm of friendly micro organisms that hold the line come rain or shine.
Our skin glows brighter when we're happy, it lights up when we smile, it blushes when we're embarrassed and it shows when we're tired or unwell.... Our skin responds and reacts to a healthy lifestyle & it both absorbs & digests the skin products we apply to it, including chemicals we would rather it didn't....
Our skin cools us, it warms us, it is reactive to emotions, responsive to lifestyle, and adaptive to temperature, our skin, literally holds us together. These are just some of the things our skin does for us all day, everday.
What do you do for your skin?
Why not treat your skin to some Natural Wisdom Organic Skinfood this summer... 15% off for the whole of August, FREE postage and gift wrapping! :-) x
Sunday, 26 June 2011
Chapter 2 of the Natural Wisdom guide to youthful ageing.
Hello again, in my last blog post I discussed my desire to move away from the belief that to be beautiful we need to put something on, like camouflage. I wanted to express my personal view, that the feeling of being beautiful originates within us, and no amount of fashion or perfume can really change that if we don't have that feeling.
In this chapter I wanted to discuss those days when we feel awful, no energy, dull skin, dry hair, bloated feeling and a murderous disposition.
We all get them. It doesn't mean we're bipolar or mad, or bad. It just means we're in the grip of a hormonal tornado and while we're in the grip of one, all we can do in reality is hold on and wait for it to pass.
When it's passed, then we can think about doing something about it. We can consider for example if we may be deficient in an important essential Vitamin or Amino Acid ?. Omega oils 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 are proven to help us regulate and balance our hormones, along with being abundant in powerful Antioxidants and having considerable anti inflammatory benefits amongst many. B5, also known as Pantothenic acid or the 'stress vitamin' is a B Vitamin incredibly useful for helping us cope with stress by helping relieve the pressure on our Adrenal glands. Vitamin D3 is absolutely essential and integral to our overall health (check out the Vitamin D Council for unsurpassed information) If we are deficient in Vitamin D3 everything from our bone health to our mental health can suffer. Powerful Antioxidants such as Vitamin C, CoQ10 and Astaxanthin are enormously helpful not only in our desire to age youthfully but in healing and energy production. The sad fact is, with the amount of sugar and chemicals we consume in our daily Western diets we're just not getting a balanced diet anymore and we need to supplement and make a concious effert to eat fresh, healthy food (locally sourced is best) to help us to stay on top.
I wanted to also offer suggestions for actions we can take that can help during one of these hormonal tornadoes. All I can really suggest is what works for me and that is Self Love & Adoration. I literally dote on my self, girly movies with popcorn and my comfort blanket, housework can wait, other people wash up and cook if I can swing it and I treat myself to pampering. I do my nails, I give myself a Natural Wisdom Facial and I do what I call 'my pages' where I write stream off conciousness "woe is me" monologs that are a little like hoovering under the bed or empying & spring cleaning the dustbin in my mind...
Even with a healthy, active and privileged lifestyle we all get these days that make us feel down in the dumps. The piont I would like make, is that the solution to these miserable days lies in what we can do for our selves, not something in a bottle, jar or syringe.
So...curl up, watch your favourite movies, eat popcorn and pamper your self....
The Natural Wisdom (home spa) Facial
In this chapter I wanted to discuss those days when we feel awful, no energy, dull skin, dry hair, bloated feeling and a murderous disposition.
We all get them. It doesn't mean we're bipolar or mad, or bad. It just means we're in the grip of a hormonal tornado and while we're in the grip of one, all we can do in reality is hold on and wait for it to pass.
When it's passed, then we can think about doing something about it. We can consider for example if we may be deficient in an important essential Vitamin or Amino Acid ?. Omega oils 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 are proven to help us regulate and balance our hormones, along with being abundant in powerful Antioxidants and having considerable anti inflammatory benefits amongst many. B5, also known as Pantothenic acid or the 'stress vitamin' is a B Vitamin incredibly useful for helping us cope with stress by helping relieve the pressure on our Adrenal glands. Vitamin D3 is absolutely essential and integral to our overall health (check out the Vitamin D Council for unsurpassed information) If we are deficient in Vitamin D3 everything from our bone health to our mental health can suffer. Powerful Antioxidants such as Vitamin C, CoQ10 and Astaxanthin are enormously helpful not only in our desire to age youthfully but in healing and energy production. The sad fact is, with the amount of sugar and chemicals we consume in our daily Western diets we're just not getting a balanced diet anymore and we need to supplement and make a concious effert to eat fresh, healthy food (locally sourced is best) to help us to stay on top.
I wanted to also offer suggestions for actions we can take that can help during one of these hormonal tornadoes. All I can really suggest is what works for me and that is Self Love & Adoration. I literally dote on my self, girly movies with popcorn and my comfort blanket, housework can wait, other people wash up and cook if I can swing it and I treat myself to pampering. I do my nails, I give myself a Natural Wisdom Facial and I do what I call 'my pages' where I write stream off conciousness "woe is me" monologs that are a little like hoovering under the bed or empying & spring cleaning the dustbin in my mind...
Even with a healthy, active and privileged lifestyle we all get these days that make us feel down in the dumps. The piont I would like make, is that the solution to these miserable days lies in what we can do for our selves, not something in a bottle, jar or syringe.
So...curl up, watch your favourite movies, eat popcorn and pamper your self....
The Natural Wisdom (home spa) Facial
- Begin with our Rosehip & Pomegranate Cream Facial Cleanser. Apply to clean dry hands and then to clean dry skin, cleanse in a circular motion all over your face to lift off all the oily grime and then add a little water and cleanse thoroughly once again. Using one of our luxury hand crocheted cotton wash cloths rung out in hand hot water, remove and rinse face while gently exfoliating. End with a holding a cold wash cloth to help close the pores.
- Tone with our Rosehip & Pomegranate Antioxidant Hydrating Toner which contains Vitamin C, Hyaluronic acid, comfrey root extract, Aloe vera leaf extract, Which hazel and Rose water. Apply to the palm of a dry hand, rub hands together and massage into face and neck pressing gently onto closed eye lids.
- Whilst your skin is still damp with our Toner, apply 2 pumps of our Rosehip & Pomegranate Antioxidant Treatment Oil to the palm of your hand, rub palms together and massage face firmly in upward and outward direction paying particular attention to areas of tension like eyebrows and jaw line. Press gently onto closed eye lids. Be sure to tense facial muscles to provide resistance, this has been shown to tone facial muscles in a way that encourages collagen formation and firms skin to help reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Massage for between 5- 10 minutes. Face should feel warm and flushed when you finish. This encourages good blood flow to the skin. We advise this regime twice a day.
- Now watch what your skin makes of won't be dissapointed.
Special Affinity: This facial is especially suited to skin in need of some intensive care. Dry, dull, blemished skin in need of a lift.
Considerations: If you suffer from cystic acne, intense massage may inflame sore areas so this facial may not suit you at this time.
Thursday, 16 June 2011
The Natural Wisdom Guide To Youthful Ageing
Chapter 1: Changing our paradigm (belief system)
We have been sold a story from child hood, that to be beautiful we must put something on, a cream, a perfume. Jewelry. I believe it is time we changed this paradigm and reflected on the real meaning of beauty.Healthy radiant beauty and youthful ageing begins within, by first acknowledging that our skin is the outside of our inside, the reflection of what we eat, how we feel, what we believe and how we see our selves. It is the wrapping of our spirit, the spark of light and life which distinguishes our uniqueness from others, without which we are simply dead.
In my opinion, I believe that skincare should be seen as topical nutrition, we don't eat synthetic food so why are we sold synthetic skincare when our skin is a systemic organ connected to every part of us.
"Our skin is the outside of our inside, it is the reflection of what we believe, how we think, what we feel..."
When I was a child, my mum would say to me..." Don't pull faces or the wind will change and your face will stick" it took me many years to fully understand what this meant. I have summarised this over the years and instead of saying this my 3 children, I simply suggest to them... " Smile more than you frown".We have all walked by the person with the angry look and stare, have you noticed how it ages them? I believe that our outside is the reflection of our inside. If we are smiling inside, we are smiling outside.
Yeah, but what about bad days..?
We all have bad days and they are fine and natural and we can't be content 24 hours a day but we can practice contentment.
So, my answer for youthful ageing are the things I try and practice myself; and believe me my life has had and still has its challenges...& remember, change is constant but that doesn't mean we leave our selves free to be ravaged by time, there is a lot we can do to stay young and youthfull for much longer...
- Smile more than you frown
- Practice feeling content with each moment
- practice being solution focused
- Nurture yourself inside and out with good food & good skincare.
- Exercise body and mind
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