Natural Wisdom Raw Organic Skincare

Natural Wisdom Raw Organic Skincare
Raw Organic SKincare made with 100% Natural Wisdom

Thursday 16 June 2011

The Natural Wisdom Guide To Youthful Ageing

Chapter 1: Changing our paradigm (belief system)

We have been sold a story from child hood, that to be beautiful we must put something on, a cream, a perfume. Jewelry. I believe it is time we changed this paradigm and reflected on the real meaning of beauty.

Healthy radiant beauty and youthful ageing begins within, by first acknowledging that our skin is the outside of our inside, the reflection of what we eat, how we feel, what we believe and how we see our selves. It is the wrapping of our spirit, the spark of light and life which distinguishes our uniqueness from others, without which we are simply dead.

In my opinion, I believe that skincare should be seen as topical nutrition, we don't eat synthetic food so why are we sold synthetic skincare when our skin is a systemic organ connected to every part of us.

"Our skin is the outside of our inside, it is the reflection of what we believe, how we think, what we feel..."

When I was a child, my mum would say to me..." Don't pull faces or the wind will change and your face will stick" it took me many years to fully understand what this meant. I have summarised this over the years and instead of saying this my 3 children, I simply suggest to them... " Smile more than you frown".

We have all walked by the person with the angry look and stare, have you noticed how it ages them? I believe that our outside is the reflection of our inside. If we are smiling inside, we are smiling outside.

Yeah, but what about bad days..?

We all have bad days and they are fine and natural and we can't be content 24 hours a day but we can practice contentment.

So, my answer for youthful ageing are the things I try and practice myself; and believe me my life has had and still has its challenges...& remember, change is constant but that doesn't mean we leave our selves free to be ravaged by time, there is a lot we can do to stay young and youthfull for much longer...

  • Smile more than you frown
  • Practice feeling content with each moment
  • practice being solution focused
  • Nurture yourself inside and out with good food & good skincare.
  • Exercise body and mind
Natural Wisdom Organic Skin Care is certified organic with the Soil Association. I work really hard to research the ingredients we use to get the highest synergistic blend of anti ageing antioxidants in every single product I design and formulate. Our Rosehip & Pomegranate Collection is the organic skincare I made for my self. I will never use anything else. If your ever passing, please drop by and take a peak.

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